Enzyme-based Therapeutics: A New Era in Medical Biotechnology

 Name: Samia Siddika Rup 

Student ID: 22236012

Section: 06

Enzyme-based  Therapeutics: A New Era in Medical Biotechnology

Biotechnology is the combination of natural sciences and engineering Sciences. Biotechnology is that kind of technology which indicates the exploitation of biological processes for commercial and other purposes. For example: the genetic manipulation of microorganisms, for the production of enzymes,antibiotics,hormones etc. Biotechnology has huge applications in Healthcare and Medical Sector. Mainly PRODUCTION OF ENZYMES is the main topic which I want to highlight today.



Biotechnology for utilizing enzymes for the improvement of our life is a top notch feature of biotechnology. The enzymes are also recognized as biocatalysts because they accelerate biochemical reactions in living organisms. Enzymes decrease the activation energy and accelerate the reaction. Thus, they work as a catalyst. Enzymes catalysis is an area of basal importance in different sectors. This chapter provides a brief overview to the fundamental principles and mechanisms of action, catalysis inhibition and its pharmaceutical applications. Furthermore, this section also covers elementary information related with enzymes such as It's formation, function and different properties.

Usages of enzymes:

Use of enzymes in clinical diagnosis: Enzymes are usually found in various kinds of cells and organs. They work as the preferred markers in various states such as myocardial infarction, jaundice, pancreatitis,cancer,neurodegenerative disorders etc.

Use of enzymes in medical treatment:

Enzymes are highly effective to break the internal blood clots. They are also used to dissolve the hardening of walls of blood vessels and to dissolve the wound swelling to promote healing. 

Use of enzymes in industry: 

Enzymes play an amazingly vital role in business and are effective for the assembly of a lot of industrial products.

The foremost and leading interest of this application of biotechnology is because of the vast significance it carries. This application of biotechnology in healthcare has created lots of opportunities for the enlargement of human civilization welfare. The recent most important use of this technology of producing enzyme may have benefits in lessening menorrhagia, spontaneous abortion and complications associated with delivery and the postpartum period. Point to be noted that enzymes not only speed up the reaction, they are also necessary for DNA reproduction. The first enzyme was discovered in 1883.It was discovered from malt solution. In these historical investigations we can call attention to the progress across several disciplines that were essential to create the modern field of bio catalysis and showcase the resulting examples of cutting-edge enzymatic application in industry. The field of enzyme research has seen some extraordinary changes with respect to the manner of appearing the problem of screening for variations of enzymes, discovery of novel enzymes, as well as enzyme profiling and engineering to create 'attered' enzymes that fulfill specific industrial needs. DISCOVERIES & CURRENT RESEARCH


Enzymes are found in cells. Thus they are produced naturally in the body and assists with important tasks including : 

1.Building muscle  

2.Destroying toxins

3.Breaking down food particles during digestion

Point to be noted, Enzymes bear a great impact in medical science. Even the human insulin gene is separated using a restriction enzyme. Furthermore, A bacteria plasmid is cut open using the same restriction enzyme. In a nutshell, the significance of enzyme can't be described in words.

Sometimes enzymes make our works more difficult while using them as the enzymes substrate mixture must be uncontaminated with other materials that might exert influence on the reaction. The excessive amount of enzyme isolation and purification dispirits their use especially in areas which currently have an established different procedure. An enzyme's configuration is tied to Its function.Disease,heat or harsh chemical conditions can damage enzymes and change their structure.Then an enzyme doesn’t respond anymore.

The application of biotechnology on the enzyme,the most fascinating development in recent days.In the purpose of slow growing plant or animal or restriction can with a high production security microbial enzyme from a microorganism that is not harmful or approval duplicated.By growing the copy number of the gene to be increased for the enzyme produced by the microorganism.

Specialists agree that the world is on the edge of a revolution in this biotechnology sector. Progresses in biotechnology have vast potential for the well-being of humanity. To give an instance, throughout the production of enzymes for diseases and other industrial activities that have not been treated before, prevention of many genetic diseases and malformation. Enzymes are important to living organisms as without them we would not be able to normalize human activities so they are not only important but they are needed. FUTURE PROSPECTS


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