Mental Health Awareness : How are you feeling

NAME : Noor-E-Zannat Zidny ID : 22209050 SECTION : 06 Mental Health Awareness : How are you feeling By: Noor-E-Zannat Zidny A discussion of health & wealthness is inconceivable without mentioning mental health. However, in nations like Bangladesh, mental problems are frequently not given sufficient scientific focus and are not recognized as a severe public health issue. In Bangladesh, up to 30 million people, or about 18.4% of the adult population, experience mental health problems. 13% of children and teenagers from that group also suffer from this mental disease. Mental health is still a taboo topic despite affecting millions of people worldwide. Due to a lack of knowledge and mental health professionals in Bangladesh, many people turn to traditional healers for assistance, which can have dangerous and even fatal results. The 2019 Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) epidemic has had a devastating impact on Bangladeshi society's mental health. According to one study, the prevalen...