
Showing posts from March, 2023

Mental Health Awareness : How are you feeling

NAME : Noor-E-Zannat Zidny ID : 22209050 SECTION : 06 Mental Health Awareness : How are you feeling   By: Noor-E-Zannat Zidny A discussion of health & wealthness is inconceivable without mentioning mental health. However, in nations like Bangladesh, mental problems are frequently not given sufficient scientific focus and are not recognized as a severe public health issue. In Bangladesh, up to 30 million people, or about 18.4% of the adult population, experience mental health problems. 13% of children and teenagers from that group also suffer from this mental disease. Mental health is still a taboo topic despite affecting millions of people worldwide. Due to a lack of knowledge and mental health professionals in Bangladesh, many people turn to traditional healers for assistance, which can have dangerous and even fatal results. The 2019 Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) epidemic has had a devastating impact on Bangladeshi society's mental health. According to one study, the prevalen

Rejuvenating your mental health by engaging in activities you love.

   In this busy schedule of ours we often tend to forget or neglect our state of mental health. Mental health is an essential part of our overall wellbeing and it plays a vital role in our ability to live a fulfilling life. In this era of modern living stress is very common for people and it can manifest into different forms such as anxiety, depression or rage. Nowadays all the social media platforms lack awareness content that addresses the importance of mental health or ways it could be healed. However, there are many ways to rejuvenate your mental health by engaging in activities that you love doing, it can help you to uplift your mood, reduce the stress level and in this Blog we will explore how the idea can help you.   Firstly, we have to get one fact out in the open that stress is inevitable suffering and it is a part of our life because as we live life happens and thus stress. However, it is important to note that everyone experiences stress differently so it is essential that w

Venus Fly Trap -The Carnivorous Plant that fights back

Venus Fly Trap The Carnivorous Plant that fights back When you think of carnivorous plants, what comes to mind? Maybe a large, dangerous-looking plant in a horror movie, or a bizarre creature from an alien planet. But did you know that there's a carnivorous plant that's small enough to fit in the palm of your hand, and it's found right here on Earth? Meet the Venus flytrap, a fascinating and unique plant that is as captivating as it is mysterious. image credit: pexels Origin & Naming The Venus flytrap ( Dionaea muscipula ) is one of the ancient plants that exist for about 150 million years and evolved into today’s flytrap. It is originally found in the USA. Their existence is now vulnerable. As they appeared to flourish in locations where meteorites were discovered, Venus flytraps were initially thought to be an alien species. They were believed to have come to Earth by meteors. It has beautiful white flowers and thus it has been named after the Greek goddess Venus. ima


Price hike, the greatest concern of late, which is spreading at an alarming rate. So, what is price hike? We live in a society, where we need food, accommodation, medicine and other goods as well.  And when the cost of these goods increases from its original price, then it’s called price hike. In  brief, a percent increase in the cost of goods or services is known as price hike. Like, a 5% price  hike on sugar means the price of sugar has increased by 5%. Since the price hike has become a problematic phenomena, there must be quite big reasons behind it. But, what and who are the reasons? First of all, one of the key reasons is COVID-19. As we know, during the COVID-19 pandemic,  import and export were really damaged because the shipping system in many countries was  interrupted. As a result, the price of a particular product increased due to a shortage of it in the  market. IFPRI (International Food Policy Research Institute) posted a blog, where they  presented a graph published by FA

Ramadan, a Holy month of Islam

  Ramadan, a Holy month of Islam  Ramadan is a month of fasting and spiritual growth and is one of the five “pillars of Islam”. Ramadan is a time of spiritual reflection, self-improvement and worship. Muslims of all over the country  are expected to put more effort into rules of Islam. Durning Ramadan,  Muslims fast, pray, read the Quran, and carry out charitable work.. During the entire month,Muslims are obligated to fast , every day from dawn to sunset . Fasting requires the abstinence from sex, food, drinking, smoking and any harmful work Sehri is another essential time during Ramadan, which is the pre-dawn meal that Muslims consume before the day-long fast begins.This blessing meal is consumed at the end of the night before fasting during the blessed month of Ramadan. Iftar is one of the religious rules of Ramadan, and is often done as a community, with Muslim people gathering to break their fast and satisfied their soul. The meal is taken just after the call to the Maghrib prayer

This is the perfect era to cope up with Depression.

 Suddenly!! A big hazy cloud of thought came and swallowed all the happiness. Is this monster really makes our life so difficult? So,in my observation I know that,this big monster shaped cloud is scientifically called "Depression". Nowadays, depression is a common mental disorder and globally it is estimated that about 9% of adults are suffering from depression. If Someone's family members or close one dies suddenly, it can lead to depression. Sometimes we see that if anyone get a bad result in the examination, it also becomes a cause of depression. Sometimes, Divorce or relationship breakup also makes people extremely depressed,as a result, many people become addicted to drugs. When you’re depressed, you can’t just will yourself to “snap out of it.” But it is said that every problem has a solution. So there are some coping strategies that can help you to deal with depression and put you on the road to recovery. First of all, I must say that Control your stress with activ

Enzyme-based Therapeutics: A New Era in Medical Biotechnology

  Name: Samia Siddika Rup  Student ID: 22236012 Section: 06 Enzyme-based  Therapeutics: A New Era in Medical Biotechnology Biotechnology is the combination of natural sciences and engineering Sciences. Biotechnology is that kind of technology which indicates the exploitation of biological processes for commercial and other purposes. For example: the genetic manipulation of microorganisms, for the production of enzymes,antibiotics,hormones etc. Biotechnology has huge applications in Healthcare and Medical Sector. Mainly PRODUCTION OF ENZYMES is the main topic which I want to highlight today.                                  Biotechnology for utilizing enzymes for the improvement of our life is a top notch feature of biotechnology. The enzymes are also recognized as biocatalysts because they accelerate biochemical reactions in living organisms. Enzymes decrease the activation energy and accelerate the reaction. Thus, they work as a catalyst. Enzymes catalysis is an area of basal imp

The Cube: Saudi Arabia's Next Megaproject - Benefits and Concerns

Saudi Arabia is well-known for its ambitious megaprojects that aim to transform the country's economic and social landscape .  From the iconic Kingdom Tower in Jeddah to the futuristic Neom project , the country has been at the forefront of creating some of the world's most innovative and groundbreaking projects . The latest addition to Saudi Arabia's list of megaprojects is "The Cube" a new development to transform Riyadh .  The project is a collaboration between Saudi Aramco, the world's largest oil producer, and the Public Investment Fund, the country's sovereign wealth fund. Overview of "The Cube" Project The project aims to create a new landmark for the city that will showcase the country's economic and social progress. "The Cube"  is a massive development located in the heart of  Riyadh's business district .  The project's unique design has a cube-shaped building as the centerpiece. The building will be surrounded by